Make an Appointment: | (989) 780-0174

  • Providing comprehensive and compassionate diagnostic services and evidence based psychological treatment for toddlers, children and teens and their families in Mid-Michigan.


    You may have hopes that the concerns you have about your child are a “passing stage”.  But over time, knowing your child best and perhaps through consultation with your child’s pediatric medical provider or teachers you make the decision to seek help. Finding a fully licensed psychologist who specializes in children, is not always easy.  Garrison Keillor once said, “Nothing you do for children is ever wasted”.   This is Dr. Miller’s belief each time he enters a consultation with parents and their child.

    About Robert Miller, EdD LP

    Dr. Robert Miller is a fully licensed psychologist in the state of Michigan specializing in child and pediatric psychology.

    Following completion of his doctoral degree in school psychology and his internship in school and clinical settings, Dr. Miller continued his training by completing two post-doctoral fellowships. He has also completed a two-year training program in structural and strategic family therapy.

    Having worked in schools, hospitals and outpatient settings, Dr. Miller brings more than 20 years of experience with children and families to the evaluation and treatment of toddlers, school-age children, and young teens.